Wolfie the Wonder Horse!

Wolfie the Wonder Horse!
Wolfie, 24/02/08

Saturday 8 January 2011

Never trust a horse with a sense of humour

Another week and the weather hasn't given up.  I slipped and fell on the ice twice walking up the driveway to the stables the other day.  I fell once, got back up, took 3 steps and fell again.  When I eventually made it half way up the road to the gate on the driveway, I spotted Wolfie leaning over the fence, practically on his tip toes so he could get a better view, tossing his head around as if to say 'that was brilliant, do it again!'.

I decided to clip Wolfie again today.  I just made a start on his neck and shoulders, but forgot the extension cable so couldn't do too much.  The owner of the stables walked past and commented that Wolfie was an absolute nightmare to rug in the mornings.  Apparently he just runs in circles around them when they are trying to change his rugs.  I was literally speechless.  I know last year, he often went out in his lovely Thermatex with a turnout rug on top (much to my horror) as they couldn't get him in and out his rugs, but this year I had absolutely no idea he was causing any problems.  I have spent most of the winter reaping praise on him, for his manners and politeness in the stable.  I really do find him so easy to work with in the stable and I'm not being biast.  I muck out with him in the stable, not tied up.  I generally don't tie him up to do anything, if I was having problems though, I would tie him up.  Don't get me wrong if he's not been turned out, he's an absolute menace.  Tipping the wheelbarrow, following you around the stable, pulling your hood, but he's been getting turned out every day recently.  I've been up and turned him out in the mornings several times over the holidays and he's been no problem, stands to get his rugs changed.  I don't know what's getting into him and I don't really know what I can do about it.  I just asked that they tied him up on a short rope to change his rugs and don't let him run circles around them.  He honestly doesn't do it, when it's me.  He's no angel, I know that, but I find him one of the easiest horses in the stable for general day to day working with.  Having worked on various yards handling and working with large numbers of horses daily, stable manners are of great importance to me and many a night whilst I have been mucking out this winter, I have actually thought what a real pleasure Wolfie is to work with and around.  I now think I live in a parallel universe.  He has his moments, he needs reminding sometimes but this took me completely by surprise.   He has no problems with rugs going on and off.  I can only think that I should go up and work with them when they are changing his rugs, but I really don't think he would try it if I was there.  I then thought, maybe he should just go out rugless (forgetting I had just half clipped him again) but he's been rugged all winter and with the weather we are having just now, I'm not prepared to turn him out without a rug because he is running circles around people, literally.  Am I missing something or is Wolfie just taking the absolute mickey?  The majority of the horses at the stables are older, very quiet and established in their ways.  You could pretty much do anything around them at any time and they wouldn't bother (not that I think you should, but that is the type they are).  I think people become complacent and forget that Wolfie is still young and very sharp.  Give him an inch and he will take a mile.  He's also the type to test people and see how much he can get away with.  I'm not defending him, he knows to stand, but it seems at the moment that my little horse has the upper hoof.   

Butter wouldn't melt....
Wolfie's field is full of plants with burrs on them.  I don't actually know what they are called.  I call them Trebles because I think they look like those things from Star Trek.  Wolfie normally comes in with them matted in his forelock and tail.  They are an absolute nightmare to try and get out.

Today he came in with them stuck all over his legs.  I don't know what this plant is called or what it looks like in summer, but I am going to identify it and then go out this summer and pull them all out.


Mellimaus said...

Ugh; I'm having similar problems with Daisy. She behaves like a great little lady with me, but I was told the other day that when leading out, they tried to lead her with hay in one arm and her lead in the other, and she ended up being bad and trying to reach around to eat it and such. She never ever does that with me! I've led her out while carrying hay loads of times and she doesn't attempt it. So embarrassing that she does it with others; I can't even be there to reprimand her!

Horses. They're just too smart, aren't they.

Wolfie is adorable :)

clairesgarden said...

this is Nicks site http://www.cloverroseequine.co.uk/index.html I am sure he would be delighted if you wanted to come and watch him trimming and ask him questions. its always a wednesday at 8am.